Make a donation
Please consider supporting the La Petite Maison sur Laprairie project by making a donation. Your generosity plays a crucial role in the success of this initiative to provide vital support for individuals and families in Pointe-Saint-Charles.
By making a donation now, you will be an early contributor, giving you access to inside information on the La Petite Maison sur Laprairie project. Every contribution, no matter how large or small, brings us closer to our goal. Together, we can make a significant difference in our community.
La Petite Maison sur Laprairie uses the Zeffy platform to issue tax receipts for online donations. Please note that the Income Tax Act Receipts does not allow us to issue receipts in the name of a third party. Our federal registered charity number is 78296 8945 RR0001.
For partnership proposals, questions or donations over $500, please contact us at